First off the colour scheme is magnificent. NME use only primary colours and black and white. Primary colours have a natural bond in the eye making them more appealing towards people. This ideal for marketing companies as appealing to the audience is of upmost importance. Companies like Google and Burger king use this because it works. Primary colours are more families thus less aggressive appealing to everyone. Also the addition of black and white add a neutral element which in the case of a variety magazine is ideal. Black and white are the most common colours seen and can create pleasant themes like retro.
Through further research I managed to discover on a colour chart that links human emotion with colours.
The chart shows great coronation between brands and colour. DELL who manufacture PCs use blue as they want you to trust in the product as PCs are expensive and a reliable TRUSTWORTHY PC is ideal. Nickelodeon use Orange as that exerts excitement, as a children TV channel that is great! A child wants to be exited when it comes to entertainment. Overall I concluded that colours are put there to show emotion and that is why I want to replicate NME's approach.
Red: Red is youthful and bold. As my target audience is the young student 16 - 24 red is ideal for exclaiming and presenting. Red means to stand out so using it as a header or mainly in the logo has become a necessity.
Yellow: Yellow means clarity and warmth. The best use of this will be sub heading as that's what subheadings do, the clarify. The use of yellow will result in a positive and clear message.
Blue: Blue means trust. Magazines are often sold in subsection. Having trust in a magazine is needed as the user doesn't know what they have paid for until they have opened the magazine. All they have to go one is an image and a few headings. I will use blue for larger sections of block colour if needs be.
Black and white: Black and white are the most common colours and I will use them for numerous important jobs. Black I will use to emphasis and bolden creating a highlight effect. I will be using it close with white as the contrast is heavy creating a wonderous merging synegy. White i will mostly use for text as tha is a convention of magazines. I will avoid the use of white is large spaces and use it near darkned colours.