Friday, 21 February 2014

Name that Mag (feat Strawpoll and Facebook)

Day 1:
I am going to create a survey to find out what my magazine will be called! Using the website straw poll I managed to create a quick survey for the naming of my magazine. Straw poll allows users to create a survey in minutes. The top picture was me after I had filled out each section. I entered all of my ideas into the straw poll and I made a title to. before publishing however I made multiple poll choices on so users could select multiple ideas if they are indecisive.

Strawpoll is unique in the world of online surveys, unlike survey monkey, only one question can be asked. This is ideal for me as i only have one. I posted the surveys URL onto my facebook Newsfeed. This allows all my friends and acquaintances to vote.

After 10 minutes I had received 13 votes

So far In-D is winning by 3 votes. Strawpoll shows data in two forms. Pie chart (percentage) and horizontal bar (direct digits). I am going to leave my poll up for 1 hour and come back to it. I will close blogger and edit this post in due time.

Hello again. I have checked my poll and I am now up to 22 votes!

In-D still seems to be the most popular. Musiczine is now tied with National tunes for second however and the other two are in a rut. I plan to leave the poll up over night and see if i can get a clear winner.

Day 2:

A massive 41 votes over night left me chuffed and a clear winner beating number 2 (independent music) by 100%! I will be selecting this for my magazine name!

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