The time the logo is situated behind the band. This is another on of the three methods of displaying a title. what is also odd it the fact NME have altered the colour of there title.
NME have abandoned their Red, white and black title to fit to the taste of the band, their
cloths and background. NME as substituted in the plain black text instead of their typical red shadowed text. This is something I will now think about replicating. I will create a logo around this issue I want to make instead of the magazine, this level of freedom is something I will use to my abrupt advantage.
The colour of this issue is white an hot pink. The band Are wearing relatively dark coats and the contrasts with the red of the issue. the pink can also be trased back. the punk era imbraised pink and black. Y+This issue also mentions that it is celebrating 80's in which punk thrived. Another colour trend is white. All the magazines I have seen so fare seem to use white. Even if text is on a white background NME give it a solid block colour background (e.g.Exclusive new track) .
The main image is a full body shot of all the band members. The members have been organized into a triangle pattern resulting in the singer (face figure for the band) to be in front. this allows the magazine to grab readers attention by refuring to their most known member.
This suits the target audience of readers. NME is a music magazine for hardcore music lovers content is unvaried as it focuses directly on music based content. This is reflected in the front page. Harsh colours featured in rarer music house styles like 'Hot pink' which is primarily used in the like s of indie rock and punk. This colour is used to show that this magazine means business and needs to be taken seriouly by a serious music loving audience.
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