Neil young, he is old, unlike this magazine which was released sometime over the past five years. As I said previously on the MOJO magazine front, they do old music. But still a niche market much like my target market.
Image blends into the text. this seems to be a common code for most magazine DPS's with an exception of a few, for instance muse which I just covered. The image is in black and white this can be for 2 reasons
1 effect:
to contrast with the black background, which is unlike the magazine, bug creates a importance. Neil young is an icon, even if you have never heard a song you have defiantly heard of him.the act he is white also mixes with the white text which looks, in Laymans terms, cool! And it also shows that the text identifies with him. I will probably do this, not with black and white but maybe a primary colour?
2 old:
This picture is old, colour cameras weren't always a thing. put two and two together and you get... Old B&W camera at an old concert.
The text colour is the same gold shown on the MOJO's contents page, I have deduced this must be part of their house style. I will need to find a house stye in my piece to avoid colour clashing.
Something I haven't mentioned is the use of a drop capital. you see that big W, yeah well I did and it is in all the other DPSs, This helps the reader find the first line. When you have a magazine with text jumping all other the place, there is never s certain place to start so the drop capital points out the first line. It might also be an link to when documents all used to start with a drop captital
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