Tuesday 15 April 2014

NME magazine This is VERY unusual First off the contents is on the right hand side. I don't like this, neither does my Mum. The descriptions and titles are not aligned  this leaves the edge jagged .

 Maybe if the text has a left alignment
Like so...

The band index is somthing very unusual. As a reader of magazines that are not NME this leaves me in an irate state. Does this mean featured bands of all time, this issue, random bands? I don't know. This is neither a code or convention of other magazine. 

The main image is smaller than Q's. This is most likely because there is less space. what is unusual about this photo is the fact it is central. Cetral images are very unusual as they are not space friendly. News papers, sites social media's often refrain from this to the main image, as it is not space conscious especially on one page. 

The colour scheme I think is much better than Q's, Whilst similar colours, NME used Black more for just contest the black section is hold yellow text. this creates a very visible, noticeable and stands out! This is somthing I want to replicate as it works in all the right places. 

Sections is something NME takes seriously 5 levels to Q's 3. it seems NME has more varied content then Q. NME must have a more varied audience. the people who like all type of music (yeah i hate them too!) But none the less experimenting with sections is somthing i intend on doing !

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