Saturday 26 April 2014

Lil' Allen

The article links with the title page of NME. It has the same over house style of the front page.

The image is on the right hand side of the 2 pages which is VERY unusual, however... this suits the artist. She is a very 'RISKAY' artist subversing the typical female artist standard. First off, the clothes, She is wearing a really baggy tarten. Usually the girls are over sexualised, showing skin and popping cleavage. How ever Lily is the artist who has the guts to say no to this stereotype, well that is what her clothes say about her. Everything about this article is abnormal, the amount of columns 4!? Unique text sizes!? It's just crazy.

The fact  That this article is so subversive is great!.. but not for me. this is a poor style model to follow as itself doesn't follow a trend!

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