Saturday 26 April 2014

This is a double page spread by Q on the band MUSE. In this DPS The image is clearly divided by the page divider. I don't like this as it gives a sense that the article doesn't link. The image again features primarily the singer, much like the front page. The drummer and bassist are not directly looking at the camera, this happens in almost every solo shot, however in the band shot only one, this is most likly dur to the fact that he is the face of the band, the singer and the guitarist are usually in the limelight more, in this case he is both.

The second image is a poloraoid. Polaroid's and retro photos are very 'IN' now due to the launch of popular social conglomerate instagram, the number one image sharer in the world. Instagram use, filters t give it the hipster edge. I am going to be replicating this as the hipters and indie go together like chips and salt.

The text has a very formal effect. Again this goes against the more messed up and rustic feel. Muse are coming across as very serious which in a way is them. Muse are only known for there music, they are not very public. so the serious feel actually suits them, however i still looks very news-papery.

The text is very much like there music. As you can see in the text in red "it can't be a coincidence that we are a band of misfits" Muse are an alternative band, there music has no general classification they are known for there synthesising of genres including 'space rockprogressive rockalternative rocksymphonic rock and electronica'(thanks wikipedia).

What i have learned from this DPS is that a DPS needs to replicate the bands tone and identity in aesthetic and structure.

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