Monday 5 May 2014

1st draft!

This is my first draft of my IN-D magazine

Front page:

The front page it the favourite page out of my 3. I find it looks like what it is supposed to be. First off you can see that I generated an image much like the one on my hand drawn design. My 3 models are Ella Reavly, Hannah Tompkins and Ross Whyatt. I decided to keep the grey logo as i liked to look of it. you can tell it is similar t the one on my hand drawn design. The lunar parade logo I decided to go for spacey purple and a nice blue I like the look of this logo. I also found a font of a font website called CLUB NEON that I got off of fonts 2 u. . I also stuck with my false image, must like off of my preliminary, last time i had a leaflet, this time a sticker. As you can see I made a sticker from tools in the in-design list. This incudeds he shadow tool and over 6 edit boxes! One issue is that i LOVE the image, ut Hannah on the left is looking abit bright, i will have to cut her from the final issue. Another issue is the colour scheme... I...don't...have one. I am going to wait until my feed back is complete before I settle on a grand design!.

What was I thinking? This is abysmal in my eyes. All I can say about this is the fact it does what is is supposed to do. However lets get in deep. The red is hideous and the black line dividers have to go! the images look alot like poloroids, which i think I am going to expand on . The text looks word arty so that's got to go. Also John mid right looks like a mug shot.
I am going to srap this and start from the top!

This needs tweaking, first of all i need to scrap the urine colour background, because you know... urine is off putting. Secondly I need to change the colours. I think i am going to do an all over colour make over... Second of all I need to drop the 16th century drop capital and use something closer to Lunar parade (edit: Just thought now I can use their font!) overall I think ill move the quote and shenanigans around. 

Overall i feel i did pretty good, i am missing things like page numbers and title-ising but that is my next task.  

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