Wednesday 7 May 2014

These are my speaker notes, I know it rough but it'll do!!!

Hello, my name is Adam Shorthouse and I made a magazine.

Today I will be going through a few questions on how my magazine came to be

This is my front page of my magazine

First of my style models, they come in to categories , Q and NME are similar to mine in terms of content,. There target audience is a wider scale than mine yet similar. They are the pinnacle of music magazines in the UK, so codes and conventions start with them. Also they have a history they are long running and they know what works!
Mojo is a magazine that runs a different audience, but that audience is still rather niche. The music Mojo focuses on like classic rock for instance are not majorly produced any more so fans are dying out or moving on. Mojo offers an alternative perspective. The contrasting themes also offer a unique perspective.

My magazine uses a lot of conventions of this magazine Note, the slanted text, black text backgrounds, similar poses. Also the sticker, covered logo The colour use if you switch white and black, the list goes on! I found that this magazine was highly representable as a indie music magazine

I decided to change Q piece. Having a face of an artist is a convention, I decided to go for an all body shot for my artists as it suited their personalities I decided to move away from font changes as I thought the background of my image might lead to it being hard to read.

I developed on a few points in this issue notably giving text block colour bacgrounds, as this added to the pop out affect in my magazine. I also wanted to make this bigger, not blow it up but text wise. The text was really small but I liked the sityle so I made it bigger

Girls wanted to be represented like actual girls . Research showed that indie girls are usually we dressed plainly (research was google BTW) Pop stars seem to show a lot more skin. People also wanted them to be. =I found that having more confident girls suited the personality of the band.

For males I wanted a similar approach, I needed ross to act likethe girls in Lunar parade, So to sem fitting he mimics there personality. This is shown through he face (being confident) and even mirrored in his clothing.

The band and target audience are both young so representing youth as positive is a must. LP are represented as being confident and successful, this is shown in images and text. Even the other artists I made… Show that they are happy and full of life.

I did some research and I found that markt force suited In-D very well. Firstly theey are UK based so outr magazine could be hughly focused. This means deliveries won’t be delayed and we could avoid high shipping cost. It deals with specialist, niche magazines like one called VET, for vets. This means they understand each market for magazines.

For advertisement I woul focus on these medias. Twitter and facebook are the 2 most overhauled websites. Marketing on them would mean we hit the same audience of young people. This kethord would also be free and easy to set up.

4 music and viva both focus on the youth crowd. Both music channels are popular freeview channels and show varied content everyday. People who watch will be interestd in music so it seems like a grea market that isn’t very exploited yet by magazines.

These would be my ideal audience, young, quirky and passionate about music!

  To target my audience I used survey websites, specifically two SP and SM these two website gave me multiple survey methods, Strawpoll allowed me to set up a sing. SM allowed me to generate a professional survey. This survey I posted on forums and to my indie friend. I got a plefera of resultsfor multiple questions. I used online surveys for the accessability and the fact I could ask different people.

This is how I changed my results to suit my magazine.

PS was used I all my images to edit them for the better. Here are all the tools I used
Here are two examples of photoshop . My first is LPs main image.
Here is the space background and how I made it

 InDesign  asused to create each document and a few other things
For instance this sticker (rightclick, effects, drop shadow, 90degrees)

He is my work made with indesigns boxes, this is the skeleton structure of my front cover
This is the camera

Explain Apeture and SS

Talk about noticeable differences and simulates
Mention colour scheme and improovments

Talk about noticeable differences and simulates
Mention colour scheme and improovments

Talk about noticeable differences and simulates
Mention colour scheme and improovments

Talk about noticeable differences and simulates
Mention colour scheme and improovments

Talk about noticeable differences and simulates     MENTION ADDING PG number and ect!
Mention colour scheme and improovments


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